The pages with photos and videos are not deleted but to work on a new layout I had to close them for a while.
As I am coming forward with the job the links will appear below.
Hvilested is on YouTube; there you can find videos from the angling lakes, and more.
Hvilested Lystfiskersøer
Esbjergvej 338A
DK-6000 Kolding
0045 40951916
0045 23317662
Hvilested Put and Take Kolding, Hvilested Put & Take, Angeln in Dänemark Kolding, Forellensee in Dänemark Kolding, Angelsee Kolding Dänemark, trout lake Denmark Kolding, fishing in Denmark, Hvilested Dambrug, fiskeri Kolding, ørredsø Kolding, Fiskehandel Kolding, Forellen kaufen Dänemark, overnatning Kolding, Ferien in Dänemark, Angelurlaub Dänemark Kolding, Übernachtung Kolding Dänemark, fiskesø Kolding,